Barton Surgery

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

What is Mental Health Awareness week?

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event that allows the whole of the UK to stop and reflect on their own mental health and to focus on improving it. The Mental Health Foundation originated the event 21 years ago.

Each year the Mental Health Foundation chooses a main topic to raise awareness, and 2022’s focus is loneliness.


“Loneliness is the feeling we experience when there is a mismatch between the social connections that we have and those that we need or want” – Mark Rowland, CEO of The Mental Health Foundation


We will all experience varying levels of loneliness throughout our lifetimes, however it can be all-encompassing for some people and can even be the main reason for poor mental health.

Connecting with others, be it friends or family or even just members of your local community, is crucial in maintaining good mental health.

The COVID-19 pandemic has only worsened these feelings of loneliness for many. As national lockdowns and social isolation became the norm, many of us were deprived of that social contact that we need to live a happy and fulfilled life.

It has since been found that loneliness was almost 3 times that of pre-pandemic levels. This mental health awareness week is going to be an opportunity to ask questions about how this issue of loneliness can be addressed and reduced as we come out of the pandemic.

What steps can I take to feel less lonely?

  • Join a group or club
  • Connect with people from your past
  • Read a book
  • Find an online forum
  • Be careful when comparing yourself to others
  • Engage in a hobby
  • Talk to friends and family
  • Look for the good in everyone you meet

Self-help resources


Lee’s Mental Health Story – Mind

Loneliness and mental health | Lee’s Mental Health Story | Mind – YouTube

Mental Health Awareness Week – Youtube

Mental Health Awareness Week – Loneliness, Day 1 – YouTube

What Barton Surgery can do for you

If you are struggling with your mental health in any way, it is always encouraged for you to contact us. Your GP can then suggest the best course of treatment for you to get better, and this doesn’t always include medication.

Barton Surgery works in partnership with the Coastal Network to provide a Social Prescribing service. This service is available to patients via a referral from their GP or simply by calling the surgery and requesting an appointment.

Our Social Prescriber is there to talk, listen, support, educate and help you make suitable lifestyle changes.

If you are finding that you feel lonely and would like some support from a trained professional, this might be the service for you.

Social Prescribing – Barton Surgery