The SystmOnline app can be used on Apple devices running the iOS operating system (iPhone and iPads) and mobile phones and tablets running the Android operating system.
To register for SystmOnline services please complete a registration form (which can be collected from either the Barton Surgery or Warren Surgery) or click here System On Line Registration Form June 2016 which you can then print out.
The form will need to be completed and returned in person to the surgery with proof of identification (ie passport, photo driving licence, utility bill etc). Anyone aged 14 years or above must show some form of identification. Patients aged 13 or below can have a parent or guardian act on their behalf.
Once you are registered for SystmOnline you can start using it to:
- Manage appointments
- View/ request prescriptions
- Add/Change contact details
- Request access to your Systmone Summary Record and/or Detailed Coded Record
- Send messages to Barton Surgery