Barton Surgery

Clinics and services

CERVICAL SCREENING – A 3 and 5 yearly computerised recall system is in operation.  Cervical screening, more commonly known as the smear test, is important as it is able to detect conditions, which could develop into cancer.  If these conditions are found in good time, treatment is usually straightforward and almost always effective.  Women aged 25 years to 50 years are invited for a smear test every three years;   women aged 50 to 65 years are invited every five years.

CHILDHOOD IMMUNISATION – The practice sisters manage and administer the childhood immunisation programme, in conjunction with the Child Health Department at Torbay Hospital.

TRAVEL CLINIC – The practice sisters run the in-house travel clinic, offering advice and relevant vaccination. There is a charge for this service and please be aware that some vaccinations also attract a charge about which you will be advised in your appointment.

HEALTH VISITING – The Health Visitors are based at Teignmouth Hospital and can be contacted by telephoning 01626 771128. Baby Clinics are held at Dawlish Community Hospital on alternate Wednesday mornings. Please call 01626 771128 to check when they are open. Their main roles are to promote good health and prevent illness. They are available to give advice on health related topics to any age group. All children under five will have a named health visitor. Women will meet their health visitor during pregnancy or shortly after their children’s birth. Health visitors monitor the baby’s growth and development and advise about childcare.

STOP SMOKING ADVICE – The practice has trained stop smoking counsellors who are able to advise and support patients wishing to give up smoking.
We also have specialised nurse led clinics dealing with patients with diabetes, coronary heart disease and asthma.  We are offering patients with these conditions and various other medical conditions an appointment at an Annual Review Clinic.  This appointment will review your condition, optimise treatment and discuss any other problems you may have.

CHRONIC DISEASE CLINICS – We also have specialised nurse led clinics dealing with patients with diabetes, coronary heart disease and asthma.  We are offering patients with these conditions and various other medical conditions an appointment at an Annual Review Clinic.  This appointment will review your condition, optimise treatment and discuss any other problems you may have.

INFLUENZA VACCINATION CLINICS – These are run during October and November each year by our practice nurses. You require influenza vaccination if you are: 65 or over, pregnant women, have chest or heart trouble, are diabetic, have kidney disease, are taking certain medicines, have low immunity or have a long-standing disease. For a note of clinic times, please contact reception after the middle of September.

PNEUMOCCAL VACCINATION – This one-off vaccination is recommended to all patients over the age of 65 and also for anyone who has chest or heart trouble, is diabetic, has kidney disease, have low immunity or long-standing disease.  You can have this injection at any time of year – just ask the practice nurse.

FAMILY PLANNING – All the doctors in the practice are trained to give pre-conceptual and family planning advice.

BREAST SCREENING – Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women. A nationwide breast cancer screening programme is in operation and is run from specialised centres. This service is for the benefit of women aged over 50 as there has been little evidence to show that younger women benefit from routine screening. It means that all women aged between 50 and 64 will be invited for initial breast screening (mammography) and every three years thereafter. Women over 64 will be entitled to the service every three years on request.

MINOR OPERATIONS – If you require minor surgery, your doctor may be able to carry this out for you either in the surgery or at Dawlish Community Hospital.  Your details will be passed to the doctor’s secretary who will contact you with an appointment.

MATERNITY CARE – Your doctor will oversee your maternity care, in conjunction with Templer.  The midwifery team can be contacted on 01626 770086 or through their bleep system (07693 957182) and their clinics are held at Dawlish Community Hospital on Thursday and Friday mornings.  The midwives are responsible for ante-natal care and until the baby is ten days old.  Individual doctors carry out their ante-natal care during normal surgery times. To book your midwife appointment, please call 01626 770086.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT – The doctors in the practice carry out routine checks on babies at 6 weeks.  All further checks are undertaken by the Health Visitors, who are based at Dawlish Community Hospital and they can be contacted on 01626 868500. Baby clinics are held at Dawlish Community Hospital on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 10:00am – 2:00pm and at Teignmouth Clinic on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 1:00pm – 2:30pm.

MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES – The GPs have access to a counselling service and this is by GP referral only.

SOCIAL PRESCRIBING – Social Prescribing is a means of enabling GPs to refer patients with social, emotional or practical needs into a service for additional support. The Social Prescribing service aims to improve health and wellbeing by promoting patient empowerment, supporting them to engage with their health needs and find personalized solutions.

EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION – This can be supplied by arranging an appointment with a doctor.  In addition, certain pharmacists in the area are trained to assess and, if indicated, provide Emergency Hormonal Contraception to young women, free of charge.

PATIENT CHOICE – If you and your GP decide that you need to see a specialist for further treatment, you can now choose where to have your treatment from a list of hospitals or clinics.  If you wish to find out more, pick up the leaflet ‘Choosing your Hospital’ or look on the NHS website

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 13th May, 2022