The Barton Surgery operates an appointment system to see the doctors and practice nurses. Appointments with the nurse can be booked in advance up to twelve weeks ahead.
Click here for information about our nurse led clinics.
There are others you may wish to consult as an alternative to seeing the doctor:
- The practice sister
- The local pharmacist
- Minor injuries can be dealt with by the nursing team in the Minor Injuries Department at Newton Abbot Hospital, 10.00am – 6.00pm, seven days a week
- Self help for simple problems, eg colds, sickness and diarrhoea – call after a few days if symptoms are not improving
- Please do not insist on being seen urgently with minor illnesses that could wait
- Please inform the receptionist if you cannot keep or no longer need your appointment so that it can be offered to someone else
- Please be on time
- It is one appointment per patient
- Do not store multiple problems for one consultation slot
- If you think your problem will need extra time, ask the receptionist for a longer appointment
- Please inform the receptionist if you are feeling unwell in the waiting room or if you have brought a sick or ill child to the surgery
We have made changes to our system which will make booking an appointment easier, reduce delays and allow the GPs to spend more time caring for our patients in Dawlish hospital. Please telephone the surgery on 01626 888877 to make appointments.
Will I still be able to book appointments in advance?
Of course, up to six weeks in advance. You do not have to ring at 8.30 in the morning to book these appointments, they can be booked at any time when we are open or why not sign up for online appointments and make and cancel your pre-bookable appointments any time.
What changes will I notice?
When you contact the surgery reception staff will ask you when you want an appointment and which doctor you want to see. They will then try and book a suitable appointment. If you are feeling really ill and need to see a GP on the day you should tell reception staff. They will ask you for some information about your illness to make sure we can give you the best possible service. This means that there should be less people ringing at 8.30am and it will be easier for you to get through.
Will there be any changes at The Warren?
The Warren Surgery is now being used for our Social Prescribers and in house pharmacy team.
What about if I work?
We will have Saturday morning pre-bookable appointments between 8.30am and 11.30am. You can also register for our on-line repeat prescription and appointment service.
Help us to help you:
- Please try and book in advance if you can.
- Please use on the day appointments for urgent illness only and tell the receptionist why you need an appointment.
- Please Telephone the surgery to make appointments.
- Remember that if you are unable to attend your appointment PLEASE call us to cancel on 01626 888877.
- Find out how to register for our online services.